+91 7400480777 /
+91 7400481777 / 022-35204499
A-1502, 15th floor, O2 Commercial Business Park, Near Minerva industrial estate, Asha Nagar, Mulund West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400080
+91 7400480777
+91 7400481777
Monday to Friday – 10.00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturdays – 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. PRITHVI MONEY Customer Care will not be available on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of every month as PRITHVI MONEY Head Office remains closed.
022-35204499 , (Support)Any complaints or emails not raised in the format as communicated above may not receive due consideration and may fail to come to the notice of PRITHVI MONEY Customer Care.
PRITHVI MONEY Customer Care does not assume any responsibility for any emails being sent directly on unauthorized email ids for query /complaints, including corporate or employee email ids as shared on this or any other group website.
We would thank you for allowing us to serve you and for your patience for the time we need to resolve your query/grievances
Prithvi Money seeks to redress customer grievances and complaints in a time-bound manner. To accomplish this, customers are strongly requested to follow the instructions given below. Any query or grievances can be directly submitted to the centralised Prithvi Money Customer Care unit. The query can be submitted by using
Online modules in the Prithvi Money Partner Desk
By calling on +91 7400480777 +91 7400481777
Being a customer of Prithvi Money Wealth Partner, it is strongly advised that you contact your Prithvi Money Wealth Partner for all your queries/ grievances. The Prithvi Money Wealth Partner will be best in a position to reply to your query and resolve the same. If needed, your Prithvi Money Wealth Partner will raise the query /complaint to Prithvi Money in proper format with details.