Mr. Kirti Kothari

Mr Kirti Kothari is the Chairman Of Prithvi Group and has been in the broking industry for almost four decades. Hailing from Sangli, he spent his childhood with his father learning trading tactics as the family was known for trading in Haldi (Turmeric). He started his career in 1974 as a small scale business and had a foresight of making a mark for himself in the industry and ensuring his venture becoming in an Established Broking House. He has been the President of the Bombay Commodity Exchange for tenure of two years from 2009-2011 and is currently the Director of the same. He is a leader who guides his team at every step and shares a personal relationship with each individual associated to the institution.

A Chartered Accountant by qualification, he has a work experience of over a decade in the financial sector. His experience includes working with prestigious financial institutions such as Morgan & Stanley and Alliance Fin Stock. He started his career in 2003 catering to customers with Investing and Trading for the first five years of his career. He has been a part of the Prithvi Group since its inception in the year 2007 and now also includes Portfolio Management Service to his profile. He is the core member of the institution and guides his subordinates with the experience he brings with him, to excel in the interest of the customer audience and oneself.

Mr. Janak Kotecha


He is the elder son of the Founder and Chairman of the Prithvi Group, Mr. Kirti Kothari. He started his career at the age of 20 by joining the traditional family business of Commodity Market in 2003. He introduced the revolutionized commercial working pattern to the family business. He started the venture Prithvi Finmart in 2011 which deals with Currency and Equity Markets, making the Prithvi Group an established Broking House. When he joined the family business, the parent company Prithvi was run by just three employees. With breadth of vision, and by adapting new age technology, the parent company has witnessed a substantial growth and now has 100 employees and over 500 Associates across the country. Mr. Kothari has also expanded the parent company, and now has a prominent name in the field of Real Estate, NBFC and Outdoor Media.

Mr. Kunal Kothari


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